
Donald D. Groff is an editor, photographer and multimedia producer who for over two decades wrote regular travel columns for The Philadelphia Inquirer and other publications. He was an assistant national editor at the Inquirer and an editor at the Philadelphia Daily News.

Prior to Philadelphia he worked on The Washington Post, The (Memphis) Commercial Appeal and the Springfield (Mo.) News & Leader.

From 2015 to 2017 he was managing editor of The Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia, an online project of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Center for the Humanities at Rutgers University-Camden.

While writing for The Inquirer travel section he founded the weekly 10 for the Road column that advised readers about worthy festivals that were coming up within a day’s drive of the city. The column started in the 1990s at a time when the American tradition of a single two-week vacation was giving way to multiple long-weekend journeys to break up the work year and to better accommodate increasingly busy lives. Over time he began writing similar columns for the Boston Globe, the Newark Star-Ledger, the Trenton Times and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. 

Another weekly column, Travel Questions, ran for extended periods in the Inquirer, the Star-Ledger, the Kansas City Star, Philly.com, Salon.com and Long Island Newsday, among other places. 

A “legacy” website with an archive of those columns is at www.donaldgroff.com.